KALISPELL WHITEFISH ACCESS PLAN YOU'RE INVITED! Join the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) at one of two open houses for the Kalispell-Whitefish Access Plan project. Here you will learn about access management options, the plan's goals and objectives, and have the opportunity to provide your feedback. The Kalispell-Whitefish Access Plan will inform the development of access points (entrances or exits such as driveways or intersections) on the US Highway 93 (US 93) corridor from Kalispell and extending west of Whitefish. PLEASE JOIN US! THE KALISPELL WHITEFISH ACCESS PLAN OPEN HOUSE KALISPELL Easthaven Baptist Church March 11 4 to 6 p.m. 2010 Whitefish Stage Rd, Kalispell, MT 59901 * RPA MONTANA Department of Transportation WHITEFISH Whitefish City Hall May 27 4 to 6 p.m. 418 E Second St, Whitefish, MT 59937 SCAN FOR MORE INFO STAY IN THE KNOW Email: stephanie@bigskypublicrelations.com. Call: 406-207-4484, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit: mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/kalispellwhitefish/ public-involvement.aspx. Anyone needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in a Montana Department of Transportation program, service, or activity should contact the event organizer or MDT's ADA Coordinator at mmaze@mt.gov, 406-444- 5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711. Requests should be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event. The department will make every attempt to honor requests made within 48 hours of a scheduled event or activity. This document is printed at state expense. Information on the cost of producing this publication may be obtained by contacting the Department of Administration. KALISPELL WHITEFISH ACCESS PLAN YOU'RE INVITED ! Join the Montana Department of Transportation ( MDT ) at one of two open houses for the Kalispell - Whitefish Access Plan project . Here you will learn about access management options , the plan's goals and objectives , and have the opportunity to provide your feedback . The Kalispell - Whitefish Access Plan will inform the development of access points ( entrances or exits such as driveways or intersections ) on the US Highway 93 ( US 93 ) corridor from Kalispell and extending west of Whitefish . PLEASE JOIN US ! THE KALISPELL WHITEFISH ACCESS PLAN OPEN HOUSE KALISPELL Easthaven Baptist Church March 11 4 to 6 p.m. 2010 Whitefish Stage Rd , Kalispell , MT 59901 * RPA MONTANA Department of Transportation WHITEFISH Whitefish City Hall May 27 4 to 6 p.m. 418 E Second St , Whitefish , MT 59937 SCAN FOR MORE INFO STAY IN THE KNOW Email : stephanie@bigskypublicrelations.com . Call : 406-207-4484 , Monday through Friday , 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit : mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/kalispellwhitefish/ public - involvement.aspx . Anyone needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in a Montana Department of Transportation program , service , or activity should contact the event organizer or MDT's ADA Coordinator at mmaze@mt.gov , 406-444- 5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711. Requests should be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event . The department will make every attempt to honor requests made within 48 hours of a scheduled event or activity . This document is printed at state expense . Information on the cost of producing this publication may be obtained by contacting the Department of Administration .