? Do you know who Flathead First represents? According to the donations list on the Commissioner of Political Practices website, we believe Flathead First primarily represents a group of known Democrat donors. Your vote counts! For a list of endorsed Republican candidates, check out the local Flathead Republicans website: https://flatheadrepublicans.com/ candidates/ Paid for by Flathead County Republican Central Committee PO Box 8865, Kalispell MT 59904. Rudy Koestner, Treasurer ? Do you know who Flathead First represents ? According to the donations list on the Commissioner of Political Practices website , we believe Flathead First primarily represents a group of known Democrat donors . Your vote counts ! For a list of endorsed Republican candidates , check out the local Flathead Republicans website : https://flatheadrepublicans.com/ candidates / Paid for by Flathead County Republican Central Committee PO Box 8865 , Kalispell MT 59904. Rudy Koestner , Treasurer