Matt Rosendale Greg Gianforte DON' FORGET TO VOTE REPUBLICAN NOVEMBER 6TH fov U.S. Senate for U.S. House Local Republican Candidates House Districts (HD) and Senate Districts (SD County SD 4: Mark Blasdel SD 5: Bob Keenan HD 3: Jerry O'Neil HD 4: Matt Regier HD 6: Carl Glimm HD 7: Frank Garner HD 8: John Fuller HD 9: David Dunn HD 10: Mark Noland HD 11: Derek Skees HD 13: Bob Browrn Brian Heino for Sheriff Travis Ahner for County Attorney Randy Brodehl for County Commissioner Adele Krantz for County Treasurer Debbie Pierson for County Clerk & Recorder/Election Administrator Jack Eggensperger for County Superintendent of Schools Regional Statewide Brad Johnson Bowen Greeood Clerk MT Supreme Court - Public Service Commission District 5 VOLUNTEERTO HELP! Facebook Flathead Republican Party Contact us: 250-5098. Paid for by Flathead County Republican Central Committee, Carl Weniger, Treasurer, PO Box 2455, Kalispell, MT 59903