Whitefish AUGUST 10-SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 AN ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN BENEFITING FLATHEAD VALLEY NONPROFITS DESIGNED TO MULTIPLY YOUR GIFT! 25 DONATE ONLINE Visit whitefishcommunityfoundation.org to give via credit card USE DONOR FORM! (see below! 1, edonorname and contact information completely 2. Enter the donation amount for each nonprofit 3.one check for the grand total payable to whitish Community Foundation GREAT FISH community challenge & fun run 4. Whitesh Community Foundation processes your gift, sends you a taxei and pass along 100% of your contribution to the orpanisations you chose DREAM AR GREAT FISH MATCH FUND Abb Aming Place Music Backpack Atance Program Big NW Montana Nigfork Art and Cultural Centr Bob Mana Widemes Found Boys & Girls Dub of Glacier Country CASA fords Center for Rest Youth Child Ride C'H M School Code Ged Cand Mansion M Fight Action h Community Foundation Flathead Are Mountain B Furthead Audubon Society Fed Land Ruthead County Sher's P Red Food Bank hd Raph Youth Soc adven Fadh thed Wing Center Glacer Hockey As Glacier intitute Roy's Back end of the head Avalanche Center Gateway G $ $ $ Culong dted in and provide to White Community Foundation 2023 DONATION FORM Complete this form or donate online at whitefishcommunity foundation.org $ $ $ $ S $ s $ $ S $S $ $3 S S thead alley Community College Futhead aleykducation Foundation $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15 $ GIVING GREAT FISH GIVE GIVE HOW TO DONATE VISIT A DONATION STATION: During the campaign, Whitefish Community Foundation employees will be hosting dona tion stations throughout the community Plan to drop off your donation form and payment while you stop by and say STOCK OR IRA DONATION! You can donate with a gift of stock ora distribution from your Please contact Whitefish Community Foundation to make this donation (40)863-1781 finance@wecommunityfoundation.org GIVE TO THE MATCH FUNDE Support all 78 participating on with a gift to the Match Fundstedton the donation form Glaser ational Park Coacy Gard Glace Skateademy Symphony Oices & Chale Good GifCam formity of the Valley Hockey Mf Art Mouring which umane Society of Northwest Montana Imagine brary Foundation Foundation dation Foundation Landt and Lighe Ovistianom& Servis Logan Hea Foundation Logan Health Whitech Found Montana Comaration Comp Montana Keyal Academy Montana Youth Diabetes Alla Con North Valley Food Bak North Valley Music School North West Montanaroodry Northwest Montana Community and at North Montanory Museum Praje Wh Raveod Dutdoor Leamingt Sha Stampa At Studio Tamarack Gesce C The inter $ 1 $ 1 $ $ $ 5 $ 5 $ 1 $ $ S $ $ 3 $ 1 1 $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ S CHALLENGE ENDS THIS WEEK'S DONATION STATIONS: Glacier Bank in downtown Whitefish Tuesday, September 12 11:30 am.to 3p.m. AT 5 P.M. FRIDAY! Whitefish Credit Union at the south Kalispell branch Friday, September 15 11:30 am. to 3 pm. GREAT FISH AWARDS CEREMONY: Wachholz College Center in Kalispell Tuesday, October 24-5p.m. Gifts are accepted Aug 10-Sept 15, 2023. The Challenge ends at 5pm. on Sept 15. Check payable to Whitefish Community Foundation and completed donation form (below) should be delivered to Whitefish Community Foundation PO Box 1060-214 West Second Street Whitefish Montana 59937 FOR MORE INFORMATION on the 78 participating nonprofits and their fundraising goals, visit whitefishcommunityfoundation.org Browse nonprofit mission statements make online donations, and check out with O EASYTRANSACTION TwoBar Theoptic ding Center White Community Center With Community Foundation Wish Dog Park WiFi Association Meetiheivone Whitehea Whitefish Review White School D With The Wish Wan Support Weapon On NAME MAILING ADRESS sta PHONE EMAL Card $ S 5 $ S S $ S S S $ TOTAL DONATIONS DONATION OPTIONS: Chce toWh Community Donor Avid Fund Stock Tr © Crm Car¥¥]/ Name Card CW Code Whitefish AUGUST 10 - SEPTEMBER 15 , 2023 AN ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN BENEFITING FLATHEAD VALLEY NONPROFITS DESIGNED TO MULTIPLY YOUR GIFT ! 25 DONATE ONLINE Visit whitefishcommunityfoundation.org to give via credit card USE DONOR FORM ! ( see below ! 1 , edonorname and contact information completely 2. Enter the donation amount for each nonprofit 3.one check for the grand total payable to whitish Community Foundation GREAT FISH community challenge & fun run 4. Whitesh Community Foundation processes your gift , sends you a taxei and pass along 100 % of your contribution to the orpanisations you chose DREAM AR GREAT FISH MATCH FUND Abb Aming Place Music Backpack Atance Program Big NW Montana Nigfork Art and Cultural Centr Bob Mana Widemes Found Boys & Girls Dub of Glacier Country CASA fords Center for Rest Youth Child Ride C'H M School Code Ged Cand Mansion M Fight Action h Community Foundation Flathead Are Mountain B Furthead Audubon Society Fed Land Ruthead County Sher's P Red Food Bank hd Raph Youth Soc adven Fadh thed Wing Center Glacer Hockey As Glacier intitute Roy's Back end of the head Avalanche Center Gateway G $ $ $ Culong dted in and provide to White Community Foundation 2023 DONATION FORM Complete this form or donate online at whitefishcommunity foundation.org $ $ $ $ S $ s $ $ S $ S $ $ 3 S S thead alley Community College Futhead aleykducation Foundation $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15 $ GIVING GREAT FISH GIVE GIVE HOW TO DONATE VISIT A DONATION STATION : During the campaign , Whitefish Community Foundation employees will be hosting dona tion stations throughout the community Plan to drop off your donation form and payment while you stop by and say STOCK OR IRA DONATION ! You can donate with a gift of stock ora distribution from your Please contact Whitefish Community Foundation to make this donation ( 40 ) 863-1781 finance@wecommunityfoundation.org GIVE TO THE MATCH FUNDE Support all 78 participating on with a gift to the Match Fundstedton the donation form Glaser ational Park Coacy Gard Glace Skateademy Symphony Oices & Chale Good GifCam formity of the Valley Hockey Mf Art Mouring which umane Society of Northwest Montana Imagine brary Foundation Foundation dation Foundation Landt and Lighe Ovistianom & Servis Logan Hea Foundation Logan Health Whitech Found Montana Comaration Comp Montana Keyal Academy Montana Youth Diabetes Alla Con North Valley Food Bak North Valley Music School North West Montanaroodry Northwest Montana Community and at North Montanory Museum Praje Wh Raveod Dutdoor Leamingt Sha Stampa At Studio Tamarack Gesce C The inter $ 1 $ 1 $ $ $ 5 $ 5 $ 1 $ $ S $ $ 3 $ 1 1 $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ S CHALLENGE ENDS THIS WEEK'S DONATION STATIONS : Glacier Bank in downtown Whitefish Tuesday , September 12 11:30 am.to 3p.m. AT 5 P.M. FRIDAY ! Whitefish Credit Union at the south Kalispell branch Friday , September 15 11:30 am . to 3 pm . GREAT FISH AWARDS CEREMONY : Wachholz College Center in Kalispell Tuesday , October 24-5p.m . Gifts are accepted Aug 10 - Sept 15 , 2023 . The Challenge ends at 5pm . on Sept 15 . Check payable to Whitefish Community Foundation and completed donation form ( below ) should be delivered to Whitefish Community Foundation PO Box 1060-214 West Second Street Whitefish Montana 59937 FOR MORE INFORMATION on the 78 participating nonprofits and their fundraising goals , visit whitefishcommunityfoundation.org Browse nonprofit mission statements make online donations , and check out with O EASYTRANSACTION TwoBar Theoptic ding Center White Community Center With Community Foundation Wish Dog Park WiFi Association Meetiheivone Whitehea Whitefish Review White School D With The Wish Wan Support Weapon On NAME MAILING ADRESS sta PHONE EMAL Card $ S 5 $ S S $ S S S $ TOTAL DONATIONS DONATION OPTIONS : Chce toWh Community Donor Avid Fund Stock Tr © Crm Car ¥¥ ] / Name Card CW Code