#1 BROKERAGE IN MONTANA WE SET THE STANDARD FOR REAL ESTATE IN MONTANA CHRISTIE'S NTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE PureWest 100 Highveay 2 Fast | Esses 2041 Orprny Loop | Rollins sO Eagle Covek Trail Whinefish Unoberucted Whafah Lake Privately owned and operated resort 10 acre wedding destination and etea Top rated, premiee steakhouse .Fuor licenee MESA 22116 | S14, P00.000 oedble Fuheadtake outom homa ake vien views Floorto Fully decoratedumahed uay MSI 221ars7 | sa.000.000 Sean Averi 406.253.3010 Soectaclar potertial build ste Mieutes to downtown Whitefah MLS 22111 | $1,es.c00 Matt Buckmaster I 406.261.350 Sean Averil 406.251.3010 AS8 Hangen Heighes Road | Whitefih 1% Garion Drive Eurcka S9 Angel Ridge RaadLakeside 5aoes aoned Rwthout R0 ontage on Ta Lake Man home 126 Sa , D covenants Unhindered Flathead ley vew Solitude Whitelsh .307Shelter Designa Yut & cabin MLS 22113255 $1,395.000 4000 Sa home, 300 sutes gas freplace Fnished amached heated thop 3700 Sa Fb 5 private re, locaned anend of culdesa MLS 2210vS45 51,150.000 John Sinrud406.261.2150 mintes from gnge beo apartments Majestie mourtain ve storage MS 22178 | $1.250.0c00 John Cndy Ruth 6.190.0155 13 Mantha Road Colunbia Fal Mat Buckmaster 404.261.8150 195 Moone Trail Drive | Whinefish 23074 Highway 83 Hligfoek UNDER CONTRACT 80 BA 212 Sa 2 acren Cuntom modern style Goumet kinchen, granite unters sold umkey Engineered oak floon, deck backs up to forest se Great estment opportunity e 2O1 SBA uni Carport and storage Some updates with new foonng Swan Bar and Gn Floating lquor lcense and aoewh yearround oveek and peint in Swan Lake, minutes to Bylor MISE 22111a00 | S1,000,000 Susan Julan 404.2530 215 East Nicklas Aveme Kaligell MIS Z1O S79.000 Sunan Julian 40625300 Lot 7 Tamarack Estates | Reford MLS 22110 s42400 Janis Calton 406.212.0002 309 Tetrad Lake Rond Earcka Vilage Greena tomrhouse. encellent condition AC. freplaoe, spriler vytem Unfinished basement with three 5.5 acres with sesonal steam 125 acres, level buldng ste Mountain views, minimal Beut prin, wooded Borders US Forest Service land Power ber optic to property anound acce, clone to town Cose to several area lakes egress wiedow Cenral location golcommunity MLS 22110 S440.500 Kathy Rich | 406.261.4978 MLS 2211442 S150,000 John & Cindy RuthI 406.0.0155 MS 2211688 | S115,000 John & Cindy Ruh| 606.90.0155 PURE MONTANA MAGADNESALABLE AT PUREWEST LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE FLATHEAD VALLEY RELATIONSHIPS LIFE. PUREWESTREALESTATE.COM SCAN HERE TOVIEW THE DIGITAL EDITION #1 BROKERAGE IN MONTANA WE SET THE STANDARD FOR REAL ESTATE IN MONTANA CHRISTIE'S NTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE PureWest 100 Highveay 2 Fast | Esses 2041 Orprny Loop | Rollins sO Eagle Covek Trail Whinefish Unoberucted Whafah Lake Privately owned and operated resort 10 acre wedding destination and etea Top rated, premiee steakhouse .Fuor licenee MESA 22116 | S14, P00.000 oedble Fuheadtake outom homa ake vien views Floorto Fully decoratedumahed uay MSI 221ars7 | sa.000.000 Sean Averi 406.253.3010 Soectaclar potertial build ste Mieutes to downtown Whitefah MLS 22111 | $1,es.c00 Matt Buckmaster I 406.261.350 Sean Averil 406.251.3010 AS8 Hangen Heighes Road | Whitefih 1% Garion Drive Eurcka S9 Angel Ridge RaadLakeside 5aoes aoned Rwthout R0 ontage on Ta Lake Man home 126 Sa , D covenants Unhindered Flathead ley vew Solitude Whitelsh .307Shelter Designa Yut & cabin MLS 22113255 $1,395.000 4000 Sa home, 300 sutes gas freplace Fnished amached heated thop 3700 Sa Fb 5 private re, locaned anend of culdesa MLS 2210vS45 51,150.000 John Sinrud406.261.2150 mintes from gnge beo apartments Majestie mourtain ve storage MS 22178 | $1.250.0c00 John Cndy Ruth 6.190.0155 13 Mantha Road Colunbia Fal Mat Buckmaster 404.261.8150 195 Moone Trail Drive | Whinefish 23074 Highway 83 Hligfoek UNDER CONTRACT 80 BA 212 Sa 2 acren Cuntom modern style Goumet kinchen, granite unters sold umkey Engineered oak floon, deck backs up to forest se Great estment opportunity e 2O1 SBA uni Carport and storage Some updates with new foonng Swan Bar and Gn Floating lquor lcense and aoewh yearround oveek and peint in Swan Lake, minutes to Bylor MISE 22111a00 | S1,000,000 Susan Julan 404.2530 215 East Nicklas Aveme Kaligell MIS Z1O S79.000 Sunan Julian 40625300 Lot 7 Tamarack Estates | Reford MLS 22110 s42400 Janis Calton 406.212.0002 309 Tetrad Lake Rond Earcka Vilage Greena tomrhouse. encellent condition AC. freplaoe, spriler vytem Unfinished basement with three 5.5 acres with sesonal steam 125 acres, level buldng ste Mountain views, minimal Beut prin, wooded Borders US Forest Service land Power ber optic to property anound acce, clone to town Cose to several area lakes egress wiedow Cenral location golcommunity MLS 22110 S440.500 Kathy Rich | 406.261.4978 MLS 2211442 S150,000 John & Cindy RuthI 406.0.0155 MS 2211688 | S115,000 John & Cindy Ruh| 606.90.0155 PURE MONTANA MAGADNESALABLE AT PUREWEST LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE FLATHEAD VALLEY RELATIONSHIPS LIFE. 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