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    August 29, 2019
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City of Whitefish Whitefish418E2St, 0 Box 158 Whitefish, MT 5993 City of 406)863-2462 Fax406) 863-2419 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION 19 TO REVISE WATER AND SEWER SERVICE RATES and POLICIES NOTICE S HEREBY GVEN that on Monday September 16, 2019 a 7:10 Councl will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of eceving public input garding hanges o he waer and sewer es and pooes tor the Cty wh individuals may appear in penson or submit withen bnony gading the geoposed changes en coments may be delivered or mled to the Whiefh City Cler 418 E 2nd S PO Box 158 Whil M s07,or emed o mhowke@otyofh.o The City of Whieiah completed a Comprehenave Water and Wacwaer Rae Sdy in 2016 Based on he recommendaons of s s and a cent evauaton onducted to pae ese fdings, the Cy proposing toinowase wate and sewer uty service raes ecve Ocoer 1,2 The proposed rate inoeases are necessary to cover the cont of service, and povide for necesary captal impovements To address cos atnbutate to the vanious sewer user types and service- 2ones. the Cy's sewer rate scheule dsingses beteeen thee dferent servioe classes SC 1,SC 2, and SC 3in ason to the dedicated aes assocated wh providing service to Ginder and STEP uers The Cey's Waer rate schedule dotinguishes beteoen throe dfenent senvice aeas dePressure Zone, and Outside Ciy i The proposed ate changes for aof the water and sewer cegories ae included in is notce Amap depiting the user categories can be found at www.cityofwhieh.og Culomen iside cy limits with a 34meter, located in senvice cass 5C-1. wh uage of 6.000 galons of water and wastwater per monn w see a ra inoease as follows Monthly domestic water costs will incase &%, or appraxinately 24. m61.32 to 4156 Monthily sew costs will increase 29s, or approximately $1.31, tom 477 to 4 Cutomens with a landscapeimigation meter with usage of 10.000 galons per mon would see a rate inoase as folows Monthly irigation water costs wit inorease 43%, or appresimately 2.1, fm 540 to $5030 For fequently asked questions, vist our cty webte www.ctyotaheah Forther intomation you may 0ot Rose Eo at e Finance Department at 406 se3-242 or at 418E 2nd St, between 800 anand 500 pm Monday tvough Fiday Wha Pct Publication Danes: 8/2920 40019 100 ATER Pr a a ea EC T 1-1--51 L fa Whale City of Whitefish Whitefish418E2St, 0 Box 158 Whitefish, MT 5993 City of 406)863-2462 Fax406) 863-2419 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION 19 TO REVISE WATER AND SEWER SERVICE RATES and POLICIES NOTICE S HEREBY GVEN that on Monday September 16, 2019 a 7:10 Councl will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of eceving public input garding hanges o he waer and sewer es and pooes tor the Cty wh individuals may appear in penson or submit withen bnony gading the geoposed changes en coments may be delivered or mled to the Whiefh City Cler 418 E 2nd S PO Box 158 Whil M s07,or emed o mhowke@otyofh.o The City of Whieiah completed a Comprehenave Water and Wacwaer Rae Sdy in 2016 Based on he recommendaons of s s and a cent evauaton onducted to pae ese fdings, the Cy proposing toinowase wate and sewer uty service raes ecve Ocoer 1,2 The proposed rate inoeases are necessary to cover the cont of service, and povide for necesary captal impovements To address cos atnbutate to the vanious sewer user types and service- 2ones. the Cy's sewer rate scheule dsingses beteeen thee dferent servioe classes SC 1,SC 2, and SC 3in ason to the dedicated aes assocated wh providing service to Ginder and STEP uers The Cey's Waer rate schedule dotinguishes beteoen throe dfenent senvice aeas dePressure Zone, and Outside Ciy i The proposed ate changes for aof the water and sewer cegories ae included in is notce Amap depiting the user categories can be found at www.cityofwhieh.og Culomen iside cy limits with a 34meter, located in senvice cass 5C-1. wh uage of 6.000 galons of water and wastwater per monn w see a ra inoease as follows Monthly domestic water costs will incase &%, or appraxinately 24. m61.32 to 4156 Monthily sew costs will increase 29s, or approximately $1.31, tom 477 to 4 Cutomens with a landscapeimigation meter with usage of 10.000 galons per mon would see a rate inoase as folows Monthly irigation water costs wit inorease 43%, or appresimately 2.1, fm 540 to $5030 For fequently asked questions, vist our cty webte www.ctyotaheah Forther intomation you may 0ot Rose Eo at e Finance Department at 406 se3-242 or at 418E 2nd St, between 800 anand 500 pm Monday tvough Fiday Wha Pct Publication Danes: 8/2920 40019 100 ATER Pr a a ea EC T 1-1--51 L fa Whale