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    September 5, 2018
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BO N NE VILLE POWE R A D MINISTRATIO N Swift Creek land acquisition would protect Montana fish and wildlife habitat The Bonneville Power Administration intends to fund the purchase of approximately 80 acres of riparian and upland habitats along Swift Creek in Flathead County. Montana. When the purchase of the Swift Creek property is complete, the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation will own and manage the property for fish and wildlife conservation purposes. The United States would hold a conservation easement, which BPA would manage to permanently protect, mitigate and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitat The funding is in partial fulfillment of BPAs commitments to the State of Montana, signed in an agreement as part of the historic Columbia Basin Fish Accords in 2008, and the 2010 Resident Fish Memorandum of Agreement. BPA is funding this project as part of our ongoing efforts to protect, restore and enhance habitat for resident fish, including bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout, and wildlife. The acquisition would serve as partial mitigation for the construction and operation of the Hungry Horse hydroelectric facility on the South Fork of the Flathead River. Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation will provide long-term stewardship for the land and will develop a management plan to guide the protection and enhancement of habitat on the property. BPA and the Tribes will review the plan for consistency with the agreement and purposes of the acquisition. A letter describing the proposed purchase a map and information describing environmental review requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act are available at For more information contact BPA project manager Cecilia Brown at 503-230-3460 or You can also call toll free 800-622-4519. Please refer to the Swift Creek Land Acquisition