Glacier Sotheby's INTERNATIONAL REALTY HAPPY DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON MORE THAN EVER OUR THOUGHTS TURN GRATEFULLY TO FAMILY AND THANKSGIVING THE SPIRIT OF LOVE. LAUGHTER AND GO0D CHEER. Amy Bain-Wilson SUPERVISING BROKER GLACIERSIR.COOM As family and riends grew and change, yeu tee may be considering change in residente. I Ihiss .I can asist ysu, am nenter f the Someby's aternational Realty Netwark ane believe in the art of uniting enceptional hames with aaceptisnal ves Featured Properties 1846 MEDICINE ROCK LANE, LAKESIDE, UT 415 RIDGE LINE DRIVE, SEAKES DE. MT S119,00 | MLS w20s I LAKESIDE CLUB $1.200.000 | MLS 22006363 | BUILD ON FLATHEAD LAKESHORE e t 391HN JUNIPER BAY ROAD, SOMERS T 1,500,00I MLS O I ATTENTION INVESTORS te a 22346 OAMASKES WAY, ROLLINS. MT se2 FERNDALE DR & SIE LASTMAN OR. BIGFORK, MT 12.114.000 | MLS F2014S I PANORAMIC VIEWS 1.425.000 | MLS 24 I OPTIONS GALORE he Ma Glacier Sotheby's INTERNATIONAL REALTY HAPPY DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON MORE THAN EVER OUR THOUGHTS TURN GRATEFULLY TO FAMILY AND THANKSGIVING THE SPIRIT OF LOVE. LAUGHTER AND GO0D CHEER. Amy Bain-Wilson SUPERVISING BROKER GLACIERSIR.COOM As family and riends grew and change, yeu tee may be considering change in residente. I Ihiss .I can asist ysu, am nenter f the Someby's aternational Realty Netwark ane believe in the art of uniting enceptional hames with aaceptisnal ves Featured Properties 1846 MEDICINE ROCK LANE, LAKESIDE, UT 415 RIDGE LINE DRIVE, SEAKES DE. MT S119,00 | MLS w20s I LAKESIDE CLUB $1.200.000 | MLS 22006363 | BUILD ON FLATHEAD LAKESHORE e t 391HN JUNIPER BAY ROAD, SOMERS T 1,500,00I MLS O I ATTENTION INVESTORS te a 22346 OAMASKES WAY, ROLLINS. MT se2 FERNDALE DR & SIE LASTMAN OR. BIGFORK, MT 12.114.000 | MLS F2014S I PANORAMIC VIEWS 1.425.000 | MLS 24 I OPTIONS GALORE he Ma