Your stories. Your lives. And how you're changing our communities. Exploring our wilderness...and protecting it for future generations. Known affectionately as "the Bob," the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex is over 1.5 million acres of breath- taking wilderness. Explore just how we're helping preserve it for everyone...and how the best therapy in the world might be in our own backyard. Watch their Story: FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA Whitefish CREDIT UNION Your stories . Your lives . And how you're changing our communities . Exploring our wilderness ... and protecting it for future generations . Known affectionately as " the Bob , " the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex is over 1.5 million acres of breath taking wilderness . Explore just how we're helping preserve it for everyone ... and how the best therapy in the world might be in our own backyard . Watch their Story : FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA Whitefish CREDIT UNION