The Morket Beautiful FRI NOV 13TH: 5-8 PM SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14TH: 10 AM - 4 PM FLATHEAD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS EXCITING NEWS: We opened a brick and mortar home goods shop! Honey Home at 136 Main St in Kalispell is open Mon - Sat from 10-5:30! Our GRAND opening celebration will be Friday, Nov 13th from 5-8 PM, the same night as early shopping for the market!! Instagram for the store is @hellohoneyhome and Facebook is can't WAIT! KAP NOVEMBER 13 & 14 FLATHEAD CO FAIRGROUNDS Rorked in the Top a notto-m monetin he Unhed State. the Mokel Beautu ormery the Vintage whiten Marker etum to he Poteod County Forgrounds in Kohoel Montono on ovember 13nond tam tohe ion a Cmo Moeeybe toing hea depoment ines for COVD 19. Alboott wi be oppropriotevooced there wi be hond onoer stotons volobie ond hocpeon o encouroged to wor moks HATHAD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Feotving some of me o verdon om ooos e Unea e ne very bet witoge onigue ond unigue trau wendon peciale ncouly cued ond jued vitoge ontique repposed ond tendy hondmode wor. mogne tovng he bet vinloge stocoing trov: Shopping gingerbread noue wokahop. Sorta, Swet beon Acte. food tucks And much, much more EXCut ARLY ADMON OPnoN 1PER PERSON NCLIDS orety oonto e event - Soe out e co- Erovomoee ocoro epeence- Ge t dos on vour vioge torgon Geto coupon to otick ond monor soo, Honer Homes Deigre this ket sgood to bom idy todo ve mic hom Shovo Sm or onne Oroon Sontos viing tom 1 om-3 pmon soturdoyt Wont to shop whout the crowt try a more le hocping eperence ord gel ds on he gre borons Our ea ed option mot get voun me door on hoeloe your le noppen. Howthar for mpomdoast PRIDAY NIGHT EARLY SHOPING TICKETS S lor 2det Pece bring 0. PLACENOLDER to olow ourerion to shop inesoter. le crowded enronment w eeing dey nigh ety sheping seket tey oose yean ond older lperseed to puchase oicket. these oe purchoved Al HE DOOR ONLY. Peoe bing 0. GENERAL ADMSSON PER PERSON n 12 andunder e tee REE PARNG 2N adon a Kopet Morona e eemoneteotcom SCAN CODE FOR NCKETS Vonessa and Jana's success comes rom moking the Market Beautitla tun otmosphere. They regularly hold Morket, vist the website giveaways and contests on their Focebook poge ond post fun behind the scenes photos on instogrom at athemorketbeoutu. "The real fun." Jona declored. " Pecsants and Jana Roach contribute to mogaines seorching through eoch booth to dscover theasures" to fnd a location neorby or become a vendor with The to enter contests or keep up-to-dote. ike the Focebook page at Vonessa and blogs around the US and are scouts for Country Living Magozine. They frequenty post on their blog at on DY. home improvement, and decorating tips! Jana otso stressed that "no two markets ore the some. our vendors work hord to bring new ond exciting things each fimel" The Morket Beautiful FRI NOV 13TH: 5-8 PM SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14TH: 10 AM - 4 PM FLATHEAD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS EXCITING NEWS: We opened a brick and mortar home goods shop! Honey Home at 136 Main St in Kalispell is open Mon - Sat from 10-5:30! Our GRAND opening celebration will be Friday, Nov 13th from 5-8 PM, the same night as early shopping for the market!! Instagram for the store is @hellohoneyhome and Facebook is can't WAIT! KAP NOVEMBER 13 & 14 FLATHEAD CO FAIRGROUNDS Rorked in the Top a notto-m monetin he Unhed State. the Mokel Beautu ormery the Vintage whiten Marker etum to he Poteod County Forgrounds in Kohoel Montono on ovember 13nond tam tohe ion a Cmo Moeeybe toing hea depoment ines for COVD 19. Alboott wi be oppropriotevooced there wi be hond onoer stotons volobie ond hocpeon o encouroged to wor moks HATHAD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Feotving some of me o verdon om ooos e Unea e ne very bet witoge onigue ond unigue trau wendon peciale ncouly cued ond jued vitoge ontique repposed ond tendy hondmode wor. mogne tovng he bet vinloge stocoing trov: Shopping gingerbread noue wokahop. Sorta, Swet beon Acte. food tucks And much, much more EXCut ARLY ADMON OPnoN 1PER PERSON NCLIDS orety oonto e event - Soe out e co- Erovomoee ocoro epeence- Ge t dos on vour vioge torgon Geto coupon to otick ond monor soo, Honer Homes Deigre this ket sgood to bom idy todo ve mic hom Shovo Sm or onne Oroon Sontos viing tom 1 om-3 pmon soturdoyt Wont to shop whout the crowt try a more le hocping eperence ord gel ds on he gre borons Our ea ed option mot get voun me door on hoeloe your le noppen. Howthar for mpomdoast PRIDAY NIGHT EARLY SHOPING TICKETS S lor 2det Pece bring 0. PLACENOLDER to olow ourerion to shop inesoter. le crowded enronment w eeing dey nigh ety sheping seket tey oose yean ond older lperseed to puchase oicket. these oe purchoved Al HE DOOR ONLY. Peoe bing 0. GENERAL ADMSSON PER PERSON n 12 andunder e tee REE PARNG 2N adon a Kopet Morona e eemoneteotcom SCAN CODE FOR NCKETS Vonessa and Jana's success comes rom moking the Market Beautitla tun otmosphere. They regularly hold Morket, vist the website giveaways and contests on their Focebook poge ond post fun behind the scenes photos on instogrom at athemorketbeoutu. "The real fun." Jona declored. " Pecsants and Jana Roach contribute to mogaines seorching through eoch booth to dscover theasures" to fnd a location neorby or become a vendor with The to enter contests or keep up-to-dote. ike the Focebook page at Vonessa and blogs around the US and are scouts for Country Living Magozine. They frequenty post on their blog at on DY. home improvement, and decorating tips! Jana otso stressed that "no two markets ore the some. our vendors work hord to bring new ond exciting things each fimel"