Serving Our Veterans For Over 20 Years! NORTHWEST Veteran's NORTH MONTANA Stand Down Our Mission is to offer wraparound services to our qualifying veterans through the many aspects of our organization in NW Montana and beyond. Camp Ponderosa is an expansive retreat center in Montana's beautiful Swan Valley, providing the opportunity to get away and reconnect. WEST MONTANA VETERAN'S FOOD PANTRY NORTH WEST MONTANA VETERAN'S CAMP PONDEROSA Our Food Pantry is dedicated to extending a helping hand up to homeless, low-income and at-risk veterans and their families www.VETERANS FOODPANTRY.ORG www.VETERANSCAMPPONDEROSA.ORG 406.756.7304 Serving Our Veterans For Over 20 Years ! NORTHWEST Veteran's NORTH MONTANA Stand Down Our Mission is to offer wraparound services to our qualifying veterans through the many aspects of our organization in NW Montana and beyond . Camp Ponderosa is an expansive retreat center in Montana's beautiful Swan Valley , providing the opportunity to get away and reconnect . WEST MONTANA VETERAN'S FOOD PANTRY NORTH WEST MONTANA VETERAN'S CAMP PONDEROSA Our Food Pantry is dedicated to extending a helping hand up to homeless , low - income and at - risk veterans and their families www.VETERANS FOODPANTRY.ORG www.VETERANSCAMPPONDEROSA.ORG 406.756.7304