$6 Admission 12 & Under FREE $1 OFF Admission Bring in non-perishable food item for the NW Montana Veteran's Food Pantry 1 per person per day 2023 12TH ANNUAL MONTANA SPORTSMAN'S EXPO Experience The Adventure! PREPARE to SAVE Friday Feb. 24th 11AM-6PM Saturday Feb. 25th 10AM-5PM Sunday Feb. 26th 10AM-4PM EXHIBITORS FROM MONTANA and BEYOND DOOR PRIZES EVERY HOUR!! WIN ONE OF FOUR $250 ARMY-NAVY GIFT CARDS ARMY NAVY KALISPELL WHITEITSH DRAWN DAILY!! Budweiser Bee For more information please visit montanasportsmansexpo.com Trade Center Building at Flathead County Fairgrounds-Kalispell Brought to you by: ARMY "like" us on facebook Keep informed by Liking us on Facebook! DAILY INTER LAKE Party NAVY $ 6 Admission 12 & Under FREE $ 1 OFF Admission Bring in non - perishable food item for the NW Montana Veteran's Food Pantry 1 per person per day 2023 12TH ANNUAL MONTANA SPORTSMAN'S EXPO Experience The Adventure ! PREPARE to SAVE Friday Feb. 24th 11 AM-6PM Saturday Feb. 25th 10 AM-5PM Sunday Feb. 26th 10 AM-4PM EXHIBITORS FROM MONTANA and BEYOND DOOR PRIZES EVERY HOUR !! WIN ONE OF FOUR $ 250 ARMY - NAVY GIFT CARDS ARMY NAVY KALISPELL WHITEITSH DRAWN DAILY !! Budweiser Bee For more information please visit montanasportsmansexpo.com Trade Center Building at Flathead County Fairgrounds - Kalispell Brought to you by : ARMY " like " us on facebook Keep informed by Liking us on Facebook ! DAILY INTER LAKE Party NAVY