
Rona Norelius, MD, FAAP, FACS, is a pediatric surgeon at Logan Health Children’s Specialists, a department of Logan Health Medical Center, with its team of more than 40 pediatric specialists. Dr. Norelius is skilled in all aspects of pediatric general surgery including minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy and thoracosopy), robotic surgeries, pediatric surgical oncology, and surgery on premature babies and newborns with congenital defects. She has garnered numerous awards applauding her clinical work and dedication to excellence. She loves focusing on holistic care and keeps family and patient centered care at the core of her practice. Originally from Colorado, Dr. Norelius is excited to be back in the mountains and looks forward to raising her family here in Montana. She loves to get out and explore the outdoors with her husband and three children and enjoys hiking, biking, skiing and yoga. She also has a passion for international health work with involvement in training pediatric and general surgeons in Africa.

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