FLATHEAD MANUFACTURING MONTH Flathead and t he people who make them KALISPELL KALISPELL epsening machined MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 HURRY, SPACE IS LLIMITED TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 Some tours will not accept walk-insl Sign up for the bours ahead of calling the Kalispell Chamber WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER4 higher wages than the Montana average FRIDAY, OCTOBER S additional jobs are created for each TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 There are 500 in Flathead County 500+ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 THUR-FRI, NOVEMBER 8-9 Flathead Manufacturing Month is presenned by TITLE SPONSORS: GOLD SPONSORS: Appied Materials, Defance Machine, Daily Imer Lake SILVER SPONSORS: Glacier Precast Concrete BRONZE SPONSORS: LC STAFFING FOR MORE ON THE TOURS AND PROGRAMS