ONLINE AUCTIONS Going On Now at Items Start Closing Monday, March 17th at 5 pm Walker 31 HP Zero Turn Mower, 2018 14k Felling Tilt Bed Equipment Trailer, 2016 239 Cat Track Skidsteer, 2000 Dodge Diesel Dually P/U, 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, 2005 Layton Travel Trailer, 2012 Chevrolet Cruze, 2012 Ford F350 Super Duty World Class Wildlife Mounts Including - Record Moose Mounts, Elk Mounts, Mule Deer, Buffalo, Giraffe, 15 Sheep- Including "Grand Slam", Full Body Bears, African Lion, Sheep, Puma Mountain Lion, Caribou, Zebra, Boards, Lynx, Wolverine, Antelope, African Impalas, African Blesbok, White Tail Deer, Mountain Goat, Full Body Mount Musk Ox, and More Outstanding Winchester Pre 64- Model 70 Collection Including 250/3000, 7x57, 458 Win Mag, 300 H&H, 375 H&H, 22 Hornet, 264 Win Mag, 7.65 Argentine, 358 Win, 300 Savage, 32 Win, 35 Rem, 7mm, 300 Win Mag, 220 Swift, 264 Win Mag, 308, 243, 270, 30-06, 338 Win, 7.65mm, S&W 9mm Pistol, Winchester Mo. 94 32, Kel Tec .380 Auto, Mossberg 22 LR Antiques & Collectables - Original Art Inc. Eagle Bronze by Connie Tveten, Buffalo Bronze by Lorenzo Ghiglieri, J.P. Kelley Bronze, Hanke Lawshe, Mike Patterson, Veryl Goodnight, Bob Scriver, Over 40 Crocks Including Red Wing, Union, Salt Glazed, Redwing Water Coolers, Jugs, Bee Sting, Target, Double P. Spongeware, Umbrella Stands, Churns, Silver, Collectable Coins, Revolutionary Era Coverlet, Quilts, China, Glassware, Pottery, Beaded Leather, Hudson Bay Blanket, Cast Iron Items, Oak Wall Phone, Sports Cards, Comic Books, Hot Wheels, Dolls, Broadhead Axes, Saws Furniture & Household - Recliners, Bedrooms Sets, Dressers, Dining Sets, Gun Cabinet, Cedar Chests, New Fireside Lodge Chairs and Table, Heaters, Electronics Tools & Outdoor - Dewalt Commercial Table Saw, Ariens 30" Snowblower, Toro Commercial Mower, EGO Lawn Mowers, Air Compressors, Woodworking Equipment, Fimco 3 PT. Boom Sprayer, Drill Presses, Stihl Chainsaws, Stihl Rototillers, Blowers, Dewalt Power and Milwaukee Power Tools, Miter Saws, Husqvarna Trimmers, HD Vices, Roll Around Tool Chests, Large Amount of Hand and Power Tools, Pressure Washers, Ladders, Space Heaters, Traps, Electric Smokers, Lanterns 8 For Viewing & To Bid Go To or stop by Gardner Auction Service Hwy 93 S, Kalispell 406-752-7682 Serving Montana since 1960 ONLINE AUCTIONS Going On Now at Items Start Closing Monday , March 17th at 5 pm Walker 31 HP Zero Turn Mower , 2018 14k Felling Tilt Bed Equipment Trailer , 2016 239 Cat Track Skidsteer , 2000 Dodge Diesel Dually P / U , 2003 Pontiac Sunfire , 2005 Layton Travel Trailer , 2012 Chevrolet Cruze , 2012 Ford F350 Super Duty World Class Wildlife Mounts Including - Record Moose Mounts , Elk Mounts , Mule Deer , Buffalo , Giraffe , 15 Sheep- Including " Grand Slam " , Full Body Bears , African Lion , Sheep , Puma Mountain Lion , Caribou , Zebra , Boards , Lynx , Wolverine , Antelope , African Impalas , African Blesbok , White Tail Deer , Mountain Goat , Full Body Mount Musk Ox , and More Outstanding Winchester Pre 64- Model 70 Collection Including 250/3000 , 7x57 , 458 Win Mag , 300 H & H , 375 H & H , 22 Hornet , 264 Win Mag , 7.65 Argentine , 358 Win , 300 Savage , 32 Win , 35 Rem , 7mm , 300 Win Mag , 220 Swift , 264 Win Mag , 308 , 243 , 270 , 30-06 , 338 Win , 7.65mm , S & W 9mm Pistol , Winchester Mo. 94 32 , Kel Tec .380 Auto , Mossberg 22 LR Antiques & Collectables - Original Art Inc. Eagle Bronze by Connie Tveten , Buffalo Bronze by Lorenzo Ghiglieri , J.P. Kelley Bronze , Hanke Lawshe , Mike Patterson , Veryl Goodnight , Bob Scriver , Over 40 Crocks Including Red Wing , Union , Salt Glazed , Redwing Water Coolers , Jugs , Bee Sting , Target , Double P. Spongeware , Umbrella Stands , Churns , Silver , Collectable Coins , Revolutionary Era Coverlet , Quilts , China , Glassware , Pottery , Beaded Leather , Hudson Bay Blanket , Cast Iron Items , Oak Wall Phone , Sports Cards , Comic Books , Hot Wheels , Dolls , Broadhead Axes , Saws Furniture & Household - Recliners , Bedrooms Sets , Dressers , Dining Sets , Gun Cabinet , Cedar Chests , New Fireside Lodge Chairs and Table , Heaters , Electronics Tools & Outdoor - Dewalt Commercial Table Saw , Ariens 30 " Snowblower , Toro Commercial Mower , EGO Lawn Mowers , Air Compressors , Woodworking Equipment , Fimco 3 PT . Boom Sprayer , Drill Presses , Stihl Chainsaws , Stihl Rototillers , Blowers , Dewalt Power and Milwaukee Power Tools , Miter Saws , Husqvarna Trimmers , HD Vices , Roll Around Tool Chests , Large Amount of Hand and Power Tools , Pressure Washers , Ladders , Space Heaters , Traps , Electric Smokers , Lanterns 8 For Viewing & To Bid Go To or stop by Gardner Auction Service Hwy 93 S , Kalispell 406-752-7682 Serving Montana since 1960