FLATHEAD COUNTY GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF POLLING PLACE LOCATIONS, ACCESSIBILITY DESIGNATIONS, VOTING SYSTEM EXHIBITION, DIAGRAMS AND VOTING INSTRUCTIONS Statement of the Location of Precinct Polling Places and Accessibility Designations for the November 6, 2018 General Election. All polling places will be open for voting from 7:00am to 8:00pm NOTICE TO VOTERS Polling Place Designations and Sample Ballots flathead.mt.govlelection Make Sure To Bring Your "ID" With You To Vote On November 6th For more info visit: flathead.mt.govlelection Paid for by Flathead County Election Department, 40 11th St West, #20, Kalispell, MT 59901 My Voter Page View a sample ballot Please note that the corey's voting systems are on public exhibition at 4011" Street West #230, Kalispell, Montana foom October 9, 2018 through November 6, 2018. Please see diagrams of the voting system(s) and ballot arrangement and Continued VOTE FOR ONE OR SAMPLE OFF VOTE FOR ONE SING A BLUE OR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO VOTE ON AN M-100 PRECINCT TABULATOR The M100 is a precinct level tabulator that will be available to tabulate your ballot at your polling location. The M100 will notify you if you have overvoted or undervoted on any races on the ballot FOR SAMPLE OFFICE 2 (VOTE FOR ONE) 1. To vote,fill in the oval completely 2. Vote both sides and all sheets 3. Use only black or blue ink to mark your ballot. An optical or digital tabulator will count your ballot.If you use any other type of marking instrument, it may not be detected by the tabulator. 4. When marking your ballot you should NOT make an X or a check mark. You should NOT cross out, erase, or use correction fluid on the ballot and if you make an error, you should request a new ballot. 5. READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY! If you mark more candidates than you are allowed to mark for that position, it is considered an overvote. You may request a new ballot if you overvote in any race. If you do not correct your ballot, that race will not count because of the overvote; however, the remainder of your ballot will be counted. 6. After you mark the ballot, you will be directed to insert the ballot in the M-100 precinct tabulator, which will alert you to overvotes or undervote, if any, and after you verify your selections, the M-100 will tabulate your choices and deposit the ballot in the ballot box. MARK, CROSS OUT, ERASE VOTE BOTH SIDES) The AutoMAROK is a balot-marking system that is avalable for use at the poils during the upcoming election. Its main purpose is to allow voters with disabilides and other special needs to mark a balot privately and independently . Inform the election judge at your poling place that you wish to vote using the AutoMARK Insert the bailot (with stub removed) into the ballot feed tray on the front of the machine. pad 6 Make your selections by using the touch-screen capabilty. or by using the keypad 7 After you have completed your selections, the AutoMARK will condirm your selections on the screen, and by audio if Ater ventying your selections, the Ao mark and print your bailot