ST. PATRICK'S DAY THREE DAY PARTY MARCH 15,16,17 2019 HARP GUINNESS LAGER JAMESON kalispelL, mt HISKEY FRIDAY MARCH 15TH: 5PM TENT OPENS 6:oopm CRaig BaRton 7:oopm- Petiet BRotheRs 8:30pm SmaRt alex SATURDAY MARCH 16TH: 4PM TENT OPENS 6:oopm Jameson & the SoR515 seeos 8:oopm comatose posse SUNDAY MARCH 17TH: ST. PATRICK'S DAY 12:oopm- tent openS 2:30pm~ chance cole 4:oopm~ the velvettes F:oopm- man e the bOX 8:oopm- new wave time tRippERs seRvinc CORneo Beep & caBBace all bay. 3 bay paRkmc Lot/tent paRty. compLimentaRy non-alcohoLIC check out ouR event on CaceBook OR the Latest details an& MORe inpo Celebrate the Irish 101 e. centeR st. m the "oL Loading dock" 406-293 2418