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    September 16, 2018
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on edi- ift Spa Face & Body Solutions your Skin Non-Invasive, Non-Surgical, Anti-Aging Treatments & Products Medi-Lift Face & Body Solutions the offical "Gym For Your in offers the latest technolooy and clobal trends fornon- nvasive, non-surgical antl-aging treatments and products for face and body Changing Idettyles and youthfull Ideals are driving the denand for these types of treahments and products and is a top priority for those looking to reverse and slow down the hands of tiine. Non-invasive options are beconing wlidly popular onong those who would love to oet a little TLC os it wore, but are uninterested in dronate changes down tine, or a larger price tog Younger and older clients, those with children ond anyone vith o ful tine ob thot is hard to get away from all benelt son easier in ard out-trements ond less downtime, schon Medun Foce & Body oflers a client can lserally get a tigher& ghter fackal in 1 houx which continues to Improve the following days after treatment with the signature Medi-uft cal I vould say nearly anyone can benelt from these types of treatments becouse thety hove o lower level of commiteent, most who hove then are nore laely to maintain their benets with frequent treatments for inmediate progressive, and cumulative results. It is lle ooing to The Gym for Your Stin ot Medi-Lift Spa INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL 50% OFF THROUGH RLY 31 - VENUSLEGACY SOFTEN FIRM&LIFT REDUCE VOLUME BEFOREAFTER SIGNATURE MEDIFT FACIAL Mesia edi-CALL 106-730.2883