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    January 8, 2023
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Individuals with mental health, intellectual, or developmental disabilities deserve equal housing opportunities. Housing discrimination against individuals with mental health, intellectual, or developmental disabilities is illegal. H == PREJUDICE NO ACCOMMODATIONS STIGMA UNFAIR OBSTACLES NO VACANCY EVICTION UNWELCOME INJUSTICE BIAS BARRIERS If you believe you have experienced housing discrimination, contact HUD to file a complaint. Montana Fair Housing (406)782-2573/MT Relay 711 D H EQUAL COVING OPPORTUNITY Visit or call the National Discrimination Hotline at 1-800-669-9777 or 1-800-877-8339 (Fed. Relay) Individuals with mental health , intellectual , or developmental disabilities deserve equal housing opportunities . Housing discrimination against individuals with mental health , intellectual , or developmental disabilities is illegal . H == PREJUDICE NO ACCOMMODATIONS STIGMA UNFAIR OBSTACLES NO VACANCY EVICTION UNWELCOME INJUSTICE BIAS BARRIERS If you believe you have experienced housing discrimination , contact HUD to file a complaint . Montana Fair Housing ( 406 ) 782-2573 / MT Relay 711 D H EQUAL COVING OPPORTUNITY Visit or call the National Discrimination Hotline at 1-800-669-9777 or 1-800-877-8339 ( Fed . Relay )