
Attention Medicare Recipients with Back Pain If You: Are age 65 or older Suffer from chronic, daily back pain You may be PRE-QUALIFIED for a pain relieving orthopedic back brace at NO COST to you! In nearly every case, Medicare or Other Insurance will pay the full cost of this brace, provided by Skyline Medical LLC. Most people find immediate relief with this self-adjusting brace from back pain caused by: disc herniation, bulging discs, pinched nerves, degenerated discs, facet syndrome, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis and lateral canalstenosis.

This brace has an excellent track record for helping with all of these conditions without the need for drugs or dangerous surgery. To take advantage of this limited-time, no-cost national program, call the National Back Pain Relief Hotline right now. Call toll-free 24 hr. 1-877-204-3993 Service Guarantee We will: Get your prescription Ship to your home Customize your sizing Bill your Insurance Medicare Health Insurance File # DI1601

Skyline Medical LLC - Medicare Health is a back pain relief health insurance plan located in Kalispell, MT.